About me

My discover

Elena Repetskaya.
 I am a Photographer and Art director based in the North of Spain.

Curious, passionate, brave and creative, by definition, always looking to expand my horizons and overcome new challenges.

My first encounter with the photography was when I was about 6-7 years old and my father gave me my first camera. Since that moment it was one of my favourite toys ever.

Over the years all kinds of Art inspire me, paintings, design, theatre, cinema, fashion as well.

My mother was a fashion designer so I literally was grown between the fabrics.

At the age of twenty, arose my second encounter with the photography but this time, instead of playing, I had to learn to use the camera and learn to express myself through it.

Curious, passionate, brave and creative, I am always looking to expand my horizons and overcome new challenges.

Looking for the professional development, excellence and value of artistic creativity, I founded my own studio, which main activity is focused and oriented toward providing services through the art and creative photography, video and art direction. Continually developing the original flair in fashion photography, e-commerce photography, still life photography, industrial photography and Video.

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Algunos Testimonios

“He realizado varias sesiones con Elena y de todas guardo un grato recuerdo, pero sobre todo, recuerdo con especial cariño la primera sesión…. Técnicamente hablando es una profesional, pero, lo que hace realmente especial y única su fotografía, es que sabe captar las sensaciones y sentimientos de personas, lugares, momentos o paisajes. Tiene un talento natural e innato que va más allá de técnicas fotográficas… Su ojo, a través de su objetivo fotográfico, sabe captar esos pequeños detalles que hacen especiales a las personas o lugares. Cuando veo las fotos que me ha hecho Elena, lo que veo no es solamente una persona o lugar, sino que percibo cómo me sentía en el momento de hacer la fotografía o lo que me hacía sentir el lugar en el que me encontraba…”— Rami